La donna va punita perché può e osa generare dal suo corpo un altro corpo, e l’uomo no.
Woman is punished because she can, and boldly does, generate in her own body another being, which man cannot.
La donna va castigata perche la sua presenza e il suo sesso provoca pulsioni irrefrenabili e che fanno perdere il dominio di sé
Woman is chastised because her presence and her sexuality provoke irrepressible impulses in man; desires so strong that he loses his self-control.
La donna va zittita perché è capace di sapienze euristiche ,diverse, che rompono le geometrie maschili.
Woman is always silenced because she solves problems, not in a methodical and progressive manner like man, but by utilising heuristic science, intuitively making associations between random facts. Woman’s mind shatters masculine geometries.
La donna va sempre e comunque punita perché ogni donna è sempre una strega e in quanto tale merita di essere bruciata sul rogo , ustionata col kerosene, lapidata,infibulata, accoltellata , mutilata.
Woman, in every corner of the globe, is always punished because man believes she has destroyed the masculine order.
In 2011, if woman dares to say no to man, he will burn her face with kerosene: in many parts of the world woman is killed by stoning. Even in Europe, many women suffer genital mutilation by castration and 37 types of infibulation.